19 October 2013

SL RP Clergy Response to the attack on 10th October 2013

SL RP Clergy Response to the attack on 10th October 2013

Cardinal-Designate Lareh Portal - First Secretary to His Holiness, Pius VI Pontiff
Cardinal Stephen Byers - Cardinal Archbishop of Woraksan

Dear all,

This is an open letter from the undersigned writers as a public response to the cowardly attack upon the good hearted role-playing members of the Antiquity sims, their friends and other associates.

Under the pretense of participating in the First Papal Audience of our newly designated Pontiff, we were maligned and accused of heresy in the foulest of ways. Our attacker has twisted certain ideologies from liberal enemies of the real church to use in his attack upon our harmless community.

Our attacker is seriously misguided in his beliefs and those who know and respect what our community does in Second Life, they know that we are genuine and respectful in our portrayal, key word there, portrayal of clergy in Second Life.

We are a role-playing community and in no way believe that we are ACTUAL clergy. To base heretical charges against us for thinking that we are is preposterous and ignorant, and puts the attack itself under a serious light. 

If our prayer and celebrations have helped to lead people in Second Life to seek God in their real lives, then we have done a good thing, so why attack us and try to destroy us at such a happy moment for our community and friends? Indeed, several Real-life clergies, who are expert of canon law agreed that everything in Second Life is virtual presence, which means that name, role, group, community...are all virtual, so that acting as a cleric does not violate the Real-life canon law. 

Unfortunately, there are forces within Second Life which try to destroy any religious community that appears and seems to be growing good spiritual fruit in the Lord's name. This is a fact. Look at how many once solid communities have already fallen away.

Our is a very blessed community. We have grown steadily as men continue to come to us wanting to be a part of what we do. We are known, respected, and admired for the genuineness of our roleplay and the love in our hearts as we worship God with joy.

Our response to this must be clear, Firstly we must pray for our attacker(s) for they are misguided and potentially mentally ill. We must remember Jesus' words from the cross - They know not what they do.

Secondly, we must apologize to all our friends and supporters who were unfortunate witness to the shameful display of our misguided foe at the Audience. Your steadfast support and defense of the Pontiff were a gift from God and will never be forgotten. We are your servants, as always.

Thirdly, we need to bear witness to the entire SL RP communities that we will not be moved. We are here to stay and will not be quieted by false charges. We are defenders of the faith and of our rights within the RP communities of Second Life.

The team of the Pontificalis Aula will not respond again to this dramatic incident and we will totally ignore those who try to attack us. 

Thank you for your time and God bless us all.

C. Stephen Byers
C. Designate Lareh Portal

Signed by His Holiness of Pontifical Aula
Pius VI

In the next few weeks will be published a comprehensive set of rules and principles that guide us in Aula activities.
We are kindly please you for be patient. Thank you.

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